Summer of Resistance: Crenshaw Mall Gentrification Project Update

The Crenshaw Subway Coalition's Summer of Resistance series of community meetings continues with a community town hall that focuses on the Crenshaw Mall redevelopment/gentrification mega-project, which threatens to displace over 60,000 community residents.

Join us at our new headquarters THE UMOJA CENTER to discuss this community issue. We will also briefly touch on the topics covered in our other Summer of Resistance town halls.

September 25, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
CSC The Umoja Center
3347 W 43rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90008
United States
Google map and directions
Dorothy Herrera Settlage Ian Carr Jhana Best Tracy Morrison

Who's RSVPing

Dorothy Herrera Settlage
Ian Carr
Jhana Best
Tracy Morrison

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