Leimert Park Stop Approved!

You read that right!

At today’s MTA Board meeting, by a 10-1 vote the body approved an amendment to their budget that adds a Leimert Park station to the Crenshaw-LAX Line.

This is a historic moment for our community and for our cause, (which dates back to 2008), and it was possible because of you.

So we send this message to say thank you for signing the petitions in fall of 2009, for attending the May 2011 board meeting, for giving generously when we needed it, for canvassing, for phone banking, and for marching.

You had confidence in our leadership. You believed us when we said this battle must be fought and could be won. And you have helped deliver a station at the African-American cultural center of the region.

Big thanks go to Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas who has been the political champion for the Leimert Park Village station from the beginning.

Our city representatives Council President Herb Wesson, and Councilmembers Bernard Parks and Jan Perry stood up and found a creative way of delivering city resources to help make the station happen.

And ultimately, it was Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s decision to use his final days in office to do right by the Leimert Park community who delivered the votes. He was joined with Chair of the MTA Board SupervisorMike Antonovich, Supervisor Don Knabe, Duarte Councilmember John Fasana and Mel Wilson, who co-sponsored the motion.

This is a great moment that will go down in the history books. Our cause is a living testament to the creed that mountains can be moved when committed community advocacy combines with political courage.

The struggle to underground the rail line from 48th – 59th Street to preserve and enhance Los Angeles’ last black business corridor continues, and there’s plenty to report on that front. But for just this moment, let us celebrate this epic victory.

Join in the celebration with Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa 9 a.m. Friday morning in Leimert Park.

This is our victory. Own it!

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  • Albert Shumate
    commented 2014-03-05 16:17:09 -0800
    This is great news for our community and well deserved shout out to our political leaders for a job well done. It would be a complete success if men and women from the community were employed to build the metro lines as well.

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